Let’s start this one with a video Justin Rose shot for Golf Digest.

Interesting stuff!

If you’re a Golfing Machine fan, you’ll understand this description as the 4th Power accumulator. The hands moving progressively away from the right shoulder during the downswing.

I’ve described this as also the key to good timing..

..and the idea is to not spin out or over rotate your body at the start of the downswing. There’s some patience involved in keeping the club head behind the hands down to P6 (shaft parallel with ground on downswing).

By over rotating too much to start down, your hands will release the club head too early as the handle isn’t forward enough by the time you get down to impact.

Here’s how I explain it..

This is such a good drill if you struggle with timing your downswing. Like Justin mentions the key is getting back down to P6 with a feeling of keeping your body closed..

..then turning hard through impact.

It’s also a great drill if you want to build a Draw into your pattern.

Another couple of side notes:

    1. I’d also work on the feeling of pushing down under the lead foot..
    2. Work on keeping the club head behind the hands all the way down to P6