Controlling our interaction with the ground is largely due to how we control our weight distribution thoughout the swing.

How can we push down aggressively into the lead foot at the start of the downswing (P5) if our weight (hips) have swayed over out trail foot excessively during the backswing?

It simply can’t happen.

This is why I promote the idea of starting with the weight (hips) a little forward at setup (55%). Then by the time we reach the top of the swing have the weight (hips) a little more forward (60%).

Then the weight (hips) sway progressively more forward during the downswing and throughswing.

Why is this Important? Because it helps control where we hit the ground every time. I.E The Low Point

The bottom of the swing is not the golf ball – it should be 4 inches past the golf ball. This is why the Pros divots are always after they have hit the ball.