Here’s how I see the golf swing starting, and I’ve got a few thoughts on it.

Firstly, the club head travels the furthest in the swing so therefore it makes perfect sense for that to start moving first.

After all the arc or circle that the club head is traveling on is a lot larger than say the arc of our hands or the rotation of our body.

So to get the club head moving first the hands have to play a very specific role in the takeaway. And it’s simply a feeling of hinging the club head up and setting the club with a cocking of the wrists and simultaneous bending of the right wrist. If you can do this in conjunction with your body’s pivot, you shouldn’t have any problem loading fully during your back swing.

Here’s a great video I found of Steve Elkington working with Paul Kopp in their ‘Secret in The Dirt‘ series

The second part of the equation is the direction of the hands.

This is the easy part, and if your arms are connected to your torso they should move back, up and inward.

From a down the line view, your hands and arms should be hanging pretty much straight down from your shoulders. Just draw a line straight down from your shoulders and as your hands move back and up, they should also move inside or eventually inside this line as the backswing progresses.